It is a centrally sponsored scheme by the Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Government of India during XIIth plan. It has been launched with the intent to improve quality in educational development at all stages of education by focussing on the preparation of teachers, their working conditions in classrooms, schools and colleges and to gear their continuous professional development to ensure the best talent made available in the country to shape a future generation. This is an umbrella scheme which will create synergy among the various ongoing initiatives on Teacher & Teaching under Ministry of HRD and other autonomous institution through its seven components viz. 30- School of Education ( in Central Universities); 50- Centres of Excellence for Curriculum and Pedagogy; 2- Inter-University Centres for Teacher Education (IUCTE); 1- National Resource Centre for Education; 5- Centres for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM); Innovations, Awards and Teaching Resource Grant including Workshops & Seminar; and Subject Networks for Curricular Renewal and Reforms.
Successfully organized
58- Programmes, 03 Faculty Induction Programme (FIP), 03 Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT)