Prof. Devi Prasad Tripathi
Head of Department
Professor, Department of Vastushastra
18.09.2022 to 17.09.2025
The overview of vastushastra can be found in the form of architectural Science. Vastushastra describes the method and process of all kind of constructions (like construction of a house etc). Vastushastra has drived its origin from the Sthapatya Veda, which is known as upveda of the Atharvaveda. Vastu is the science of architecture which combines all the basic five elements (Earth, Water, Light, Wind and Space) of nature and balances them with the human and the material. It works for the health, wealth, happiness and harmony of the people, who livse in the vastu perfect house. In one of the verse of the rigveda (The Rigveda 6/54/1), Vedic Rishi is praying to Vastoshpati to take care of them and to bless them with prosperity. The Rishi seeks the blessings of the god for his Dwipadas (Humans) and Chatuspadas (Animals).
The Samhita part of the Jyotishshastra discusses Vastuvidya to a significant extent. Vastushatra was accommodated in the Samhita skandh owing to the important dimensions of Jyotish- "Dig (Direction) Desh (Place) & Kaal (Time)'. Jyotisha is been analyzing various aspects of a person's life since the vedic period. Our Acharyas have been working in this field for many years. According to Matsya Purana, Rishis like Bhrigu, Atri, Vasishtha etc. established high standards by explaining Vastushastra. Vishwakarma and Maya were very famous amongst them. They were considered as rival to each other. The followers of Vishwakarma and Maya have explained the various rules of building constructions in the texts of Vastushastra. These books shower new light on the aims and necessities of Vastushastra apart from the discussion of the Vastushastra in particular.
The Department of Vastushastra has been established as an integral part of Jyotish department. Students have been getting admission to the Shastri(B.A.), Acharya(M.A.), Vishistacharya(M.Phil) and Vidyavaridhi(Ph.D) Programmes in Dept. of Vastushastra since 2013. As per the directives of U.G.C., taking into cognizance of the interest of general public, Vastu department runs two years P.G. Diploma course, six months certificate, one year diploma & two years advanced diploma courses. The objectives of these programmes are to spread awareness amongst people about the rare knowledge of Vastushastra.
The Department publishes annual Research Journal entitled "Vastushastra Vimarsh". We conduct Special lecture series per year for our students to enhance their knowledge. Department of vastu is determined to Provide career oriented education to students. In this modern era of science and technology, ancient Vastushastra should go hand-in-hand with modern architecture. Aiming this, department of vastu signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) with School of planning and architecture(SPA), Delhi on 18th October 2018. Students also learn modern architecture along with ancient Vastu in the department. The Department organised two workshops entitield " Bhartiya Vastushastram Adhunik Vastukalashitam cha" in joint collaboration with the SPA, Delhi.
There are seven faculty positions approved for department - one Professsor, one associate professor and five assistant professors. Among these 6 positions are fulfilled. Former Head of the department Prof. Devi Prasad Tripathi Ji is now honouring the post of Vice Chancellor in Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, which is a subject of proud for the department. All the faculty members are very hard working, knowledgeable, honest and experts in their subject. Along with performing departmental duties faculty members are honouring the department and university by actively participating in various national and international seminars, workshops, TV and Radio Talks, Online course designing, writing and publishing e-content, research papers and books. Faculty members are awarded with may prizes and honours for their hard work.
Students of department are succeeded in many exams like UGC NET exam, B.ed and Ph.d entrance exams, and some of them also got JRF (Junior research fellowship). Students of the department recruited in many jobs like defence services (JCO), Teaching jobs (school teachers, college lecturers). Some of them also discovered self employment (Became professionals in astrology and Vastu) etc.
Department has touched mountain of success in a very little time, by hard work and innovations. In present time, many subtopics are necessary to be added into curriculum like Shilpa Shastra (iconography), Chitra Shastra (painting, mapping and designing). Appointing an interior designer, an architect and a draftsman is also necessary for practical study of the subject in modern time. After their appointment the department will get its perfect form. By doing this students will be serious and perfect in their subject and will be able to do practical and useful deeds for society. Changing with time, department is upgrading its subject material and teaching techniques. By doing this department is serving the purpose of knowledge preservation and well being of mankind.