Department of Sarva Darshan

Prof. Jawahar Lal Sharma
Prof. Jawahar Lal Sharma
Head of Department
Professor, Department of Sarva Darshan
01.05.2025 to 30.04.2027

This department undertakes the teaching of all the branches of philosophy. The aim of philosophy is the attainment of ‘Nihshreyas’. The main aim of a person may be materialistic or spiritual. Philosophy tells about the significant of both aims in life.

Indian philophy begins with the Vedas and Upanishads are its zenith. Later on to understand “Yathartha tattra” the branch like sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshik, ,I,amsa, charvak, jain & buuddha philosophy came into existence. These branches proposed their views in the books like Samkhyasutra, Yoga-Sutra, Nyaya Sutra, Mimansa sutra etc. The department also imparts the knowledge of contemporary philosophy & western philosophy.

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Faculty Details

S. No. Photo Name Department Designation
1 Sangeeta Khanna Prof. Sangeeta Khanna Department of Sarva Darshan PROFESSOR
2 Prabhakar Prasad Prof. Prabhakar Prasad Department of Sarva Darshan PROFESSOR
3 Jawahar Lal Sharma Prof. Jawahar Lal Sharma Department of Sarva Darshan PROFESSOR
4 Vijay Gupta Dr. Vijay Gupta Department of Sarva Darshan ASSISTANT PROFESSOR